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青春ブタ野郎はマイスチューデントの夢を見ない~完全版オーディオブック (Rascal Does Not Dream of His Student - Unabridged Japanese Audiobook)

  • ![alt text](https://i.imgur.com/CI4T7ln.png "青春ブタ野郎はマイスチューデントの夢を見ない")

    教え子のため、そして麻衣とのクリスマスデートの平穏を守るため! 師走の咲太が東奔西走する、シリーズ第12弾。


    著者: 鴨志田 一
    題名: 青春ブタ野郎はマイスチューデントの夢を見ない
    再生時間: 07 時間 43 分
    ナレーター: 木ノ瀬 ちひろ
    シリーズ: 青春ブタ野郎
    完全版 オーディオブック
    配信日: 2023/12/01
    制作: KADOKAWA
    著作権: ©Hajime Kamoshida 2022 (P)KADOKAWA
    サンプルレート: 44100 Hz
    ビットレート: 127 kb/s


    MINISKIRT SANTA’S COMING TO TOWN! Mai is in danger, and the only clue Sakuta has is a cryptic message from himself saying he needs to find Touko Kirishima. The problem is that even though he knows how to contact her, Touko seems completely uninterested in helping him. There must be another way. The answer might lie with his new student, Sara Himeji, a first-year at Minegahara who may have gotten her own little supernatural present. He’ll have to figure out something quick, because Touko is planning to release a new song and there’s no telling what fresh chaos that might bring…

    **Please note this is the Japanese language audiobook. The English audiobook has not been released. The written version is available from [YenPress](https://yenpress.com/titles/9781975375287-rascal-does-not-dream-of-his-student-light-novel).**

    Author: Hajime Kamoshida
    Title: Rascal Does Not Dream of His Student
    Duration: 07:43:20
    Narrator: Chihiro Kinose
    Series: Rascal Does Not Dream
    Genre: Audiobook
    Publishing year: 2023
    Publisher: KADOKAWA
    Copyright: ©Hajime Kamoshida 2022 (P)KADOKAWA
    Sample Rate: 44100 Hz
    Bit rate: 127 kb/s

    #### 『青春ブタ野郎』シリーズ:
    1. [バニーガール先輩](https://nyaa.si/view/1278318)
    2. [プチデビル後輩](https://nyaa.si/view/1278552)
    3. [ロジカルウィッチ](https://nyaa.si/view/1278815)
    4. [シスコンアイドル](https://nyaa.si/view/1663040)
    5. [おるすばん妹](https://nyaa.si/view/1664340)
    6. [ゆめみる少女](https://nyaa.si/view/1666504)
    7. [ハツコイ少女](https://nyaa.si/view/1669072)
    8. [おでかけシスター](https://nyaa.si/view/1673964)
    9. [ランドセルガール](https://nyaa.si/view/1676812)
    10. [迷えるシンガー](https://nyaa.si/view/1679253)
    11. [ナイチンゲール](https://nyaa.si/view/1681663)
    12. [マイスチューデント](https://nyaa.si/view/1750332)

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