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魔法少女育成計画 in Dreamland (Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku Drama CD) (MP3 320K)

  • ![alt text](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-aD0XXpWtoyE/Wgu2YnQA_xI/AAAAAAAAB1U/oMlnJRFViWY_9ekSwxOqJphcs2ATXRgBQCLcBGAs/s1600/%25E9%25AD%2594%25E6%25B3%2595%25E5%25B0%2591%25E5%25A5%25B3%25E8%2582%25B2%25E6%2588%2590%25E8%25A8%2588%25E7%2594%25BB%2Bin%2BDreamland.jpg "Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku in Dreamland")

    Hello to all! In this time I'll share to the web this Drama CD of the anime "Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku"

    I find this disc on Baidu, and in the post, the user share some novels of the franchise, so, if you want to take a watch on it, this is the link: https://tieba.baidu.com/p/4745706292?pn=1

    Also as a bonus, I included a PV for the song "Girls Game"

    Japanese Tracklist:

    Disc 1:
    01. プロローグ
    02. 主題歌「GIRLS GAME」 Short ver.
    03. 魔法少女育成計画 in Dreamland 前編 #01
    04. 魔法少女育成計画 in Dreamland 前編 #02
    05. 魔法少女育成計画 in Dreamland 前編 #03
    06. 魔法少女育成計画 in Dreamland 前編 #04
    07. 魔法少女育成計画 in Dreamland 前編 #05
    08. 魔法少女育成計画 in Dreamland 前編 #06
    09. 魔法少女育成計画 in Dreamland 前編 #07
    10. 魔法少女育成計画 in Dreamland 前編 #08
    11. 魔法少女育成計画 in Dreamland 前編 #09
    12. 魔法少女育成計画 in Dreamland 前編 #10
    13. 魔法少女育成計画 in Dreamland 前編 #11
    14. DISC CHANGE VOICE 〜ねむりん〜

    Disc 2:
    01. 魔法少女育成計画 in Dreamland 後編 #01
    02. 魔法少女育成計画 in Dreamland 後編 #02
    03. 魔法少女育成計画 in Dreamland 後編 #03
    04. エピローグ
    05. 主題歌「GIRLS GAME」 Full ver.
    06. 次回!(嘘)予告
    07. キャストコメンタリー
    08. 主題歌「GIRLS GAME」 Instrumental
    09. ドラマCD ボイスCM

    Romaji Tracklist:

    01. Prologue
    02. Shudaika 「GIRLS GAME」 Short ver.
    03. Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku in Dreamland Zenpen #01
    04. Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku in Dreamland Zenpen #02
    05. Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku in Dreamland Zenpen #03
    06. Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku in Dreamland Zenpen #04
    07. Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku in Dreamland Zenpen #05
    08. Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku in Dreamland Zenpen #06
    09. Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku in Dreamland Zenpen #07
    10. Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku in Dreamland Zenpen #08
    11. Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku in Dreamland Zenpen #09
    12. Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku in Dreamland Zenpen #10
    13. Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku in Dreamland Zenpen #11
    14. DISC CHANGE VOICE 〜Nemurin〜

    Disc 2:
    01. Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku in Dreamland Kouhen #01
    02. Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku in Dreamland Kouhen #02
    03. Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku in Dreamland Kouhen #03
    04. Epilogue
    05. Shudaika 「GIRLS GAME」 Full ver.
    06. Jikai! (Uso) Yokoku
    07. Cast Commentary
    08. Shudaika 「GIRLS GAME」 Instrumental
    09. Drama CD Voice CM

    音质: 高
    大小: 1.18G
    损率: 0.5%左右,不影响
    格式: WAV
    专辑名: 魔法少女育成計画 in Dreamland
    extracte by 黑江伸也



    extracte by 黑江伸也

    Sound Quality: High
    Size: 1.18G
    Damage Rate: About 0.5%, doesn't affect
    Format: WAV
    Album name: Mahou Shouho Ikusei Keikaku in Dreamland
    Extracted by: 黑江伸也


    01. The resources for learning exchange, not for commercial purposes, in violation of this dispute caused by I do not take any responsibility, if you like to support genuine.

    02. The resources for personal self-share, if reprinted, please mark the source and I repeat.


    Ok, this is all, enjoy the disc!
    I think I'm going to upload all the discography of the franchise in my Blog, when I finalize it I'll upload the torrents of the collection in .flac and .mp3 320k

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