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【DSP-02093】 (2016.03.02) 結城友奈は勇者である character songs 勇気のバトン ソロver. (Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru Character Songs: Yuusha no Baton Solo Ver.) (MP3 320K)
![alt text]( "Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru Character Songs: Yuusha no Baton Solo Ver.")
Hello to all! This day I share the character songs album of Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru, "Yuuki no Baton", but this version is the collection of the 5 solo version (With the 5 protagonist of the anime first season)
I'll be honest, I spent a lot of money on this CD, and I did it just to have the complete collection (?) But it's okay, I take the opportunity to upload the album for all of you, since before the album wasn't on the web
The cover which I use on this post is the CD, but "made as a cover" (The album hasn't cover, was a bonus disc for buying the full character songs album from
Japanese tracklist:
01. 勇気のバトン (友奈ソロver.) 02. 勇気のバトン (東郷ソロver.) 03. 勇気のバトン (風ソロver.) 04. 勇気のバトン (樹ソロver.) 05. 勇気のバトン (夏凜ソロver.)
Romaji tracklist:
01. Yuuki no Baton (Yuuna Solo ver.) 02. Yuuki no Baton (Tougou Solo ver.) 03. Yuuki no Baton (Fuu Solo ver.) 04. Yuuki no Baton (Itsuki Solo ver.) 05. Yuuki no Baton (Karin Solo ver.)
"Yuusha no Aru" are: Yuuki Yuuna (CV: Haruka Terui) Tougou Mimori/Washio Sumi (CV: Souzo Mimori) Fuu Inuboozaki (CV: Yumi Uchiyama) Itsuki Inubouzaki (CV: Tomoyo Kurosawa) Karin Miyoshi (CV: Juri Nagatsuma)
Direct download: Also, visit this fantastic blog if you are a fan of Yuusha de Aru:
Ok, this is all, enjoy the album!
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