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[Zoneka] Forest Knight [Nightcore] [All uploads] [April 30, 2018]

  • This is all the uploads from Forest Knight.
    Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaSfxjY3OWHjJ1hjtiweAPw
    This is updated to April 30, 2018
    Each track includes:
    -The video description
    -The video URL
    -Release date

    Had to re upload this because of some issues but i hope its better now.

    I arranged the video in numbers from 1 to the end. So number 1 will be the latest video from Forest Knight and the last number is the first video ever from Forest Knight. So remember to sort the video by its number (#).

    I edited a few titles to get rid of odd symbols and such, so its neater. And also the average bit rate is around 260.

    And again remember to sort the tracks by their track numbers, so the video on top will be the latest video and so on.

    Though i have a slow upload speed, ill make sure to keep seeding so at least one of you all will have the file, and can seed with me.

    If anyone wants any other nightcore channels or any other music channel (that mods wont destroy) pls let me know in comments.

    ![alt text](https://yt3.ggpht.com/a-/AJLlDp2UgwYvntN6_Xpc6k6SHgrIVD7XWCuJxPswUg=s900-mo-c-c0xffffffff-rj-k-no)

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