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[180509] Minori Suzuki 2nd Single - Crosswalk/リワインド (Amanchu! & Sakura edition tracks) [MP3]

  • ![alttext](http://i68.tinypic.com/25802mb.jpg)

    Minoringo's 2nd single ripped primarily from the Amanchu! edition (VTCL-35271) and so presented in that track order, but also includes the 3rd/6th track from the Sakura edition (VTCL-35272). Scans from both editions. *I decided to use the images from the obi (as seen above) instead of the actual covers for the embedded images, just because.

    I'll apologize in advance for any stupid mistakes (I always seem to make at least one in every release).

    Any help seeding is always greatly appreciated.

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