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[190313] Maon Kurosaki 15th Single - Gensou no Rondo ("Grisaia: Phantom Trigger THE ANIMATION" OP) [MP3]

  • ![alt text](http://i67.tinypic.com/2jg5s0w.jpg)

    If anyone is wondering, yes, I'll also post "ROAR" but it will be at least another week. Initially I only picked up the LE Artist edition (GNCA-0560) and only decided the other day to also order the Anime edition (GNCA-0561). I should get it soon but I'll have another, higher priority to work on next.

    ![alt text](http://i67.tinypic.com/2cin13.jpg)

    I'll apologize in advance for any stupid mistakes (I always seem to make at least one in every release).

    Any help seeding is always greatly appreciated.

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