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FNF ANISON HIJACK #2 2019-4-27

  • And we're back again! The second edition of ANISON HIJACK broadcasted live on r-a-d.io, a monthly event in which a number of DJs get together, pull out their decks, get their alcohol ready, and livemix some great anime songs for your listening pleasure. This is a mogra-styled event, so kudos to mogra for inspiring all of us to be better DJs. This time around we had a great night with some great people, some technical difficulties occurred as they normally do, but we had fun nonetheless as drinks were had, anons danced around their rooms, and we were able to talk with friends both old and new. We saw appearances from Chrono, Master_Bacon, Waffuru, and Suzubrah, a new guest DJ to come into the mix who did a fantastic job. Come see us on r-a-d.io and at #r/a/dio on Rizon for some good times and good music.

    This week's DJs with timestamps:

    Chrono - START to 1:44:58
    Waffuru - 1:44:58 to 3:51:02
    Master_Bacon - 3:51:02 to 6:17:52
    Suzubrah - 6:17:52 to END

    Also, if you’re an aspiring DJ who can livemix and would like to make a guest appearance on this monthly series, come to the IRC and put in a PM to Chrono. Seriously! We're always looking for new talent and new friends to join in on the fun so don't hesitate to contact us!

    Thanks for listening as always and be on the look out for #3 happening some time in May.


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