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Fire Emblem: Three Houses - Full Soundtrack (GAMERIP+)

  • Hello everyone, Mia here! We're shaking things up a little!

    Nauti is proud to present the full Fire Emblem: Three Houses soundtrack!




    The raw audio files were ripped from the gamedata, as [posted on reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/fireemblem/comments/cgo7ys/this_is_it_boys_and_girls_fire_emblem_three/), and should contain every song in the game.
    Some audio files from the raw dump have been omitted as silent or duplicate.

    Most names were determined from the in-game Music Library and Movie Gallery.
    Many others were correlated with entries in the [pastebin textdump](https://pastebin.com/QiFxU3Da), according to their hex ordering.
    Special thanks to reddit user u/OverdueSleep for organizing the naming initiative! [The compiled data can be found on google docs](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tU1s7LDq8ZtZaEulHgAjvM4XZrLtEaDAXzvbskMxSUc/edit), along with credits to the individual contributors.

    Thanks to sittingonclouds.net for an [earlier naming attempt](https://www.sittingonclouds.net/games/games-series/fire-emblem/three-houses/35979-2/) that inspired this one, as well as for the album metadata and the full version of *Descent*.



    Disc# was used to split up tracks by content:

    1. Main Game Soundtrack
    2. **A**miibo Tracks (Character songs from other FE games)
    3. **E**xtra Tracks (Did not appear in the game, to our knowledge)
    4. **S**FX



    Any parentheticals are editorialized by myself in order to distinguish between multiple tracks with the same name, and are not canonical.

    There is some disagreement about which style of battle music is 'Rain', and which is 'Thunder', as listed on the Music Library controls that swap between them.
    u/OverdueSleep and I agree that 'Rain' makes more thematic sense for battlefield, with 'Thunder' for combat.

    If you think we've gotten any tracks wrong, please let us know in the comments!

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