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µ's (ラブライブ!) Complete Discography (2010 - 2020) [320K]

  • I have a **FLAC version** of this torrent **but it's missing the _9th Anniversary Blu-ray Box Forever Edition Bonus CDs_.
    Can those who have it _upload it to this site_ so the _FLAC version_ can be _complete?_**

    [![IMAGE ALT TEXT](http://img.youtube.com/vi/UI1o5iMDwmo/0.jpg)](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UI1o5iMDwmo "【試聴動画】μ’s アニメーションPV「A song for You! You? You!!」")![M's](https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/love-live/images/d/d2/Love_Live%21_%CE%BC%27s_3.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/510?cb=20180414135032)


    Ver. [2020.04.17]
    - Corrected all tags that were incorrect in the last version
    - Album Artist for all non-OST tracks set to µ's
    - "05 Solo Live! collection" renamed to "05 Memorial BOX"
    - Albums in "05 Memorial BOX" now ordered by catalog number


    Organized exactly like the listing on the [wiki](https://love-live.fandom.com/wiki/Love_Live!)

    Most CDs from LoveEcho! and VCB-Studio
    Season 2 BD7 Original Song and The Guided Fate Paradox Character Song Album from [#868571](https://nyaa.si/view/868571)
    Love Live! 9th Anniversary Blu-ray Box Forever Edition Bonus CDs from [#1188646](https://nyaa.si/view/1188646)
    A song for You! You? You!! from [Huzz](https://huzz.io/love-live/recent)
    Memorial BOX Ⅲ and remaining CDs from Anonymous
    Conversion to MP3 and tagging by me

    The FLAC version will be uploaded once this version has completed downloads.

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