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青春ブタ野郎はおるすばん妹の夢を見ない~完全版オーディオブック『青春ブタ野郎』シリーズ5 (Rascal Does Not Dream of a Sister Home Alone - Unabridged Audiobook [Rascal Does Not Dream 5])

  • ![alt text](https://i.imgur.com/Q1Qz1hl.png "青春ブタ野郎はおるすばん妹の夢を見ない")

    ――と思ったら、今度はおうち大好きな妹のかえでから、突然の重大発表が! その内容は「学校に行く」というもの。


    著者: 鴨志田 一
    題名: 青春ブタ野郎はおるすばん妹の夢を見ない
    再生時間: 9 時間 49 分
    ナレーター: 高倉 有加
    シリーズ: 青春ブタ野郎
    完全版 オーディオブック
    配信日: 2021/08/20
    制作: KADOKAWA
    サンプルレート: 44100 Hz
    ビットレート: 127 kb/s


    GUESS WHO’S BACK? After years without contact, Sakuta has received a letter from his first love, Shouko, asking to meet at Shichirigahama Beach. Of course, now that he’s in a happy relationship, he’s not quite sure how to respond...or how to explain the situation to his girlfriend, Mai. Maybe he’ll just focus on helping his panda-loving, stay-at-home sister achieve her goal of returning to school for the time being. But this is easier said than done, given that she hasn’t left the house for two whole years...

    **Please note this is the Japanese language audiobook. The English audiobook has not been released. The written version is available from [YenPress](https://yenpress.com/titles/9781975312619-rascal-does-not-dream-of-a-sister-home-alone-light-novel).**

    Author: Hajime Kamoshida
    Title: Rascal Does Not Dream of a Sister Home Alone
    Duration: 09:49:49
    Narrator: Takakura Yuka
    Series: Rascal Does Not Dream
    Genre: Audiobook
    Publishing year: 2021
    Publisher: KADOKAWA
    Sample Rate: 44100 Hz
    Bit rate: 127 kb/s

    #### 『青春ブタ野郎』シリーズ:
    1. [バニーガール先輩](https://nyaa.si/view/1278318)
    2. [プチデビル後輩](https://nyaa.si/view/1278552)
    3. [ロジカルウィッチ](https://nyaa.si/view/1278815)
    4. [シスコンアイドル](https://nyaa.si/view/1663040)
    5. [おるすばん妹](https://nyaa.si/view/1664340)

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