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恋物語~完全版オーディオブック (KOIMONOGATARI: Love Tale - Unabridged Japanese Audiobook)

  • ![alt text](https://i.imgur.com/WBTgn5G.png "恋物語")



    著者: 西尾 維新
    題名: 恋物語
    再生時間: 08 時間 38 分
    ナレーター: ゆきの さつき
    シリーズ: 物語
    完全版 オーディオブック
    配信日: 2022/02/18
    制作: Audible Studios
    著作権: ©Illustration/VOFAN ©西尾維新/講談社西尾 維新;(P)2022 Audible, Inc.
    サンプルレート: 44100 Hz
    ビットレート: 127 kb/s


    Circling back to a middle school girl’s apotheosis, if we can call it that, in Otorimonogatari, and the mortal threat it poses to the hero and his girl, this “Season Two” finale is narrated, for the first time in the series, by a grown-up—but if the word conjures a sense of reliability, of stability and certainty to you, dear reader, then the lesson to take home from this is to trust no one.

    Because the teller of the tale, who has been summoned by the heroine to defuse the situation, despite having been her nemesis since the very outset of the series, is—in the absence of the equally shady adult, Oshino, who at least was an expert—none other than his college frenemy, the fake ghostbuster who doesn’t believe in ghosts, the shameless swindler Deishu Kaiki.

    And it is indeed a con that he agrees to perpetrate, uncharacteristically pro bono, on a wrathful god—a mythic undertaking if true, which it may be, when a liar among liars holds that his story, like any other, is all a lie. But maybe not, when a man who claims to be wise in the ways of the world sounds just as self-conscious as his adolescent counterparts or a Russian anti-hero.

    **Please note this is the Japanese language audiobook. There is not currently an English audiobook. The written version is available from [Kodansha](https://kodansha.us/product/koimonogatari).**

    Author: NISIOISIN
    Title: KOIMONOGATARI: Love Tale
    Duration: 08:38:48
    Narrator: Satsuki Yukino
    Series: Monogatari
    Genre: Audiobook
    Publishing year: 2022
    Publisher: Audible Studios
    Copyright: ©Illustration/VOFAN ©西尾維新/講談社西尾 維新;(P)2022 Audible, Inc.
    Sample Rate: 44100 Hz
    Bit rate: 127 kb/s

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    * [囮物語 - OTORIMONOGATARI](https://nyaa.si/view/1726115)
    * [鬼物語 - ONIMONOGATARI](https://nyaa.si/view/1729323)
    * [恋物語 - KOIMONOGATARI](https://nyaa.si/view/1732474)
    * 憑物語 - TSUKIMONOGATARTI: 来週/Next Week

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