Csze BT种子发布共享系统 -> 音乐 -> 动漫OST -> 「狼と香辛料」 ED - リンゴ日和 ~The Wolf Whistling S...

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「狼と香辛料」 ED - リンゴ日和 ~The Wolf Whistling Song/ROCKY CHACK [MP3]

  • ![alt text](https://i.postimg.cc/k4PVHXfc/image.png "狼と香辛料")

    Track No | Song Name | Length
    -------- | --------- | ------
    01 | Ringo Hiyori ~The Wolf Whistling Song | 04:52
    02 | Namaika na Bokura | 03:55
    03 | Ringo Hiyori ~The Wolf Whistling Song (without ROCKY CHACK) | 04:52
    04 | Namaiki na Bokura (without ROCKY CHACK) | 03:51

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