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Weekly Buzz Tokyo (2025-01-28) 320K MP3
01. jo0ji - 眼差し.mp3
02. Fujii Kaze - 満ちてゆく.mp3 03. luvis - Higher.mp3 04. Mrs. GREEN APPLE - ダーリン.mp3 05. Kenshi Yonezu - Plazma.mp3 06. ONE OK ROCK - Puppets Can’t Control You.mp3 07. Vaundy - 走れSAKAMOTO - RUN SAKAMOTO RUN - Opening theme to SAKAMOTO DAYS.mp3 08. Brandy Senki - Coming-of-age Story.mp3 09. Sexyy RedBruno Mars - Fat Juicy & Wet.mp3 10. FKA twigsNorth West - Childlike Things.mp3 11. Creepy Nuts - doppelganger.mp3 12. Tate McRae - Sports car.mp3 13. No No Girls - Tiger - Showy. ver from Audition No No Girls.mp3 14. CHANMINA - NG.mp3 15. BABYMONSTER - Really Like You.mp3 16. Lola Young - Messy.mp3 17. ROSÉ - stay a little longer.mp3 18. Hitsujibungaku - 声.mp3 19. Penthouse - ナンセンス.mp3 20. AKASAKI - Bunny Girl.mp3 21. NOMELON NOLEMON - ミッドナイト・リフレクション.mp3 22. THE RAMPAGE from EXILE TRIBE - 蜘蛛の糸.mp3 23. ZEROBASEONE - Doctor! Doctor!.mp3 24. Bad Bunny - DtMF.mp3 25. MarshmelloJonas Brothers - Slow Motion.mp3 26. ヨルシカ - へび.mp3 27. 乃紫 - ヒロインになるまでは.mp3 28. FRUITS ZIPPER - かがみ.mp3 29. GOT7 - PYTHON.mp3 30. KickFlip - Umm Great.mp3 31. ピラフ星人 - シークレットラブ.mp3 32. Kaneee - Life is Romance.mp3 33. Central Cee21 Savage - GBP (feat. 21 Savage).mp3 34. ziproom - Dive.mp3 35. IVE - REBEL HEART.mp3 36. レトロリロン - カテゴライズ.mp3 37. PURPLE BUBBLE - ナツメグ.mp3 38. Wendy WanderBillyrrom - Nightglow Dreamer.mp3 39. Aimer - うつくしい世界.mp3 40. indigo la Endにしな - 夜凪 (feat. にしな).mp3 41. Aooo - サラダボウル.mp3 42. Lavt - L4DY.mp3 43. やみの おねえさん - きょういくばんぐみのテーマ.mp3 44. Lilas - 百花繚乱.mp3 45. Sheena Ringo - 孤独のあかつき.mp3 46. Yuuri - カーテンコール.mp3 47. aiko - シネマ.mp3 48. 7co - stay tune.mp3 49. Teddy Swims - Guilty.mp3 50. reina - Burn.mp3 51. Chevon - 冥冥.mp3 52. CVLTE - realitYhurts..mp3 53. PAS TASTASatoko ShibataTAKU INOUE - My Mutant Ride (feat. 柴田聡子 & TAKU INOUE).mp3 54. CUTIE STREET - ひたむきシンデレラ!.mp3 55. Number_i - HIRAKEGOMA.mp3 56. Leina - うたたね.mp3 57. VPark Hyo Shin - Winter Ahead (with PARK HYO SHIN).mp3 58. Yumcha - アイサレタイ.mp3 59. tuki. - アイモライモ.mp3 60. DECO27 - モニタリング.mp3

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